it's actually not necessary to build Atlas for Sage to run. E.g. on
MacOSX Atlas is not built;
all you need (well, the performance might be suboptimal) is an
implementation of Lapack that works
on the platform. Then you can go the way it's done for MacOSX, just
creating appropriate links.

I am very curious to know how it goes - for I have an AC100 netbook
collecting dust
on a shelf, still had no time to install Linux on it (tried few months
ago, it didn't quite work,
as I have a Japanese market version ("dynabook AZ/05M"), and there
were no support for that particular
model --- well, maybe there was, on some Japanese site...)


On Feb 5, 6:05 pm, Julien PUYDT <julien.pu...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the guy who reported and worked on 
> :http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10285
> For reference, the problem was that I couldn't get sage 4.6.0 to build
> on my ARM-based netbook. I fought hard (and well!), and finally got sage
> up -- that required a few changes here and there, getting in touch with
> the involved upstream to fix things, etc.
> It got up, but it fails a few tests ; I investigated, got an
> answer/question, investigated back... and it's been stuck there since a
> few weeks now.
> Could someone lend a hand?
> Snark

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