On 2/26/11 4:40 AM, Francois Bissey wrote:
Is SQLAlchemy actually used in Sage at all?  We distribute an old
version (0.5.8) as a standard spkg.  However, I can't seem to find where
it is being used:

~/sage/devel/sage/sage% grep -ri "sqlalchemy" *
databases/database.py:#    - wrap sqlalchemy

So apparently it isn't imported in any of the sage library.  Is it a
dependency of another standard package?

I'm asking because I'm upgrading it to a more recent version, but if it
isn't used in Sage, I wonder if it might be better to just cut it out.

Not used by anything else. It is just provided with sage to deal with
sql database in python. I believe William Stein uses it.

Thanks. On second thought, the new notebook that is currently being written will most likely use sqlalchemy, so it may be best to just leave it in, even if nothing in Sage uses it currently. Hopefully that new notebook will be done "soon".

At any rate, a new pkg is up at #10854.



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