
I'd like to advertise our IRC channel a little bit, as it is getting
very quiet in there these days. If you are on Freenode IRC, it would
be great if you could idle in #sagemath (the old #sage-devel channel
has lapsed its registration and Harald Schilly has made this new one).
It's a well-known fact (!) that development proceeds faster when
realtime communication is involved (as I learned at my first Sage Days
a couple of weeks ago :) ), and the Freenode network is full of active
development channels for various software we use, such as #scipy,
#mercurial, #ipython, of course #python, etc. I think it would be
great if more sage developers could get involved too.

For those who don't use or know how to use IRC, it's not difficult.
Just install, say, X-chat on Linux or Colloquy on OS X, connect to the
Freenode server (irc.freenode.net), and join the #sagemath channel.

Participating in IRC doesn't take much commitment - just leave your
client open in the background somewhere, and if someone wants to get
your attention to discuss something with you they'll ping you. (I
believe most desktop environments on Linux or OS X provide some
notification system which IRC clients can use to notify you when
someone mentions your handle.) If you're not there at the moment, you
can just respond later by pinging them back, etc. Similarly if you
want to get a hold of another developer, if they're around, you can
just ping them. This system of course relies on most people leaving
the client open in the background even when they're not talking to

All are welcome!


P.S. If anyone has access to the sagemath.org website, could you
please update http://sagemath.org/help-irc.html and the related pages
(such as the Java IRC client) to send users to #sagemath instead of
#sage-devel ? That would be great.

To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to 
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URL: http://www.sagemath.org

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