Hi all,

Restructured text does not have pre-determined characters signifying specific heading levels for headings in the documentation (e.g., chapters, sections, etc.). Python has the following convention [1]:

# with overline, for parts
* with overline, for chapters
=, for sections
-, for subsections
^, for subsubsections
", for paragraphs

In the python documentation, for example, book titles are done with #, chapters are done with *, and then the = are used as sections.

In contrast to that, our thematic tutorials, for example, use = for the book title, then = again for "chapter" titles, and then -, ^, and " for successively smaller headings. Is there a reason why we didn't use # for the book titles and * for the chapters?

If not, I propose we switch to the Python convention for the headings. I'd be willing to make the patch for at least the thematic tutorials, which I think (hope!) only really affects the top-level index files. If people know an automatic way to make the switch, that would be great.



[1] http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html#sections

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