On Saturday, November 26, 2011 2:30:06 AM UTC-8, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> Proposal:
> 1) In sage-env, do not add $SAGE_ROOT to the $PATH.
> 2) Rename local/bin/sage-sage to local/bin/sage
> Reason:
> The python 2.7.2 package checks whether hg is available and runs hg
> during the build process.  Now imagine you have a system-wide Sage
> install.  Then hg is found in /usr/local/bin/hg, which is just a script
> to execute sage --hg "$@".  But now "sage" is found in SAGE_ROOT, the
> sage we are just installing.  Running this obviously fails because we
> have not finished building sage.  If SAGE_ROOT would not be in the PATH,
> then SAGE_ROOT/sage would not be executed, instead the intended
> /usr/local/bin/sage would be executed.

I would suggest instead removing SAGE_ROOT from PATH during the relevant 
part of the python spkg installation.


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