Any volunteers for reviewing this? 

On Saturday 23 Mar 2013, Martin Albrecht wrote:
> Hi,
> I've released new versions of M4RI and M4RIE and I'd appreciate if someone
> could take the time to review the relevant tickets to get these updates
> into Sage:
> M4RI:
> M4RIE:
> # What's new? #
> ## M4RI ##
> It's faster! For example. here's matrix multiplication on my computer:
> n             5.8 vanilla     5.8 + #14335    Magma
> 4096  0.09s           0.07s                   0.10s
> 8192  0.67s           0.62s
> More data here:
> (20121224 never made it into Sage)
> ## M4RIE ##
> ### Performance ###
> It extends to degree 16 which means GF(2^e) for 10 < e <= 16 is now *a lot*
> faster in Sage (i.e., not embarrassingly slow)
> Here's multiplication for 4096 x 4096 matrices over GF(2^e)
> extension     vanilla with patch      magma 2.15-10
> e:  1,                0.09s           0.07s           0.10s
> e:  2,                0.30s           0.22s           0.68s
> e:  3,                0.64s           0.46s           1.89s
> e:  4,                0.89s           0.70s           6.35s
> e:  5,                1.34s           1.05s           92.43s
> e:  6,                1.77s           1.39s
> e:  7,                2.22s           1.74s
> e:  8,                2.72s           2.14s
> e:  9,                31.21s          5.74s
> e: 10,                41.42s          7.94s
> e: 11,                long    9.31s
> e: 12,                long    10.56s
> e: 13,                long    56.39s
> e: 14,                long    100.64s
> e: 15,                long    141.88s
> e: 16,                long    199.78s         464.14s
> I didn't run those marked long because I ran out of RAM, check this though
> (without patch):
> sage: A = random_matrix(GF(2^11,'a'),500,500) # ~1/10 of above size
> sage: B = random_matrix(GF(2^11,'a'),500,500)
> sage: %time A*B
> CPU times: user 48.05 s, sys: 0.21 s, total: 48.26 s
> Wall time: 48.43 s
> Note that e>8 is not optimised yet.
> More information here:
> support-for-finite-fields-up-to-degree-16-added/
> ### Compilation ###
> I've split up conversion.c which means I can now do this:
> $ ulimit -v 196608 && make
> in the M4RIE directory and M4RIE successfully built with 192MB of virtual
> memory.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
> name: Martin Albrecht
> _pgp:
> _otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF
> _www:
> _jab:


name: Martin Albrecht
_otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF

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