does something similar.
See "Purpose" section

On Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:42:26 PM UTC+2, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Helloooooooooooooooo everybody !!!
> I write here because I have a question to ask to a large mathematical 
> crowd : a friend and I discussed at lunch, and we would like to do some 
> "open research", that is to have some kind of wikipedia-like website for 
> ... research.
> What we would put there is "whatever we work on". Definitions, drafts, 
> actually the very tex files on which we work day after day. It would 
> contain the result of our experiments, and we would like to write there and 
> "aloud" all the notes we would take for ourselves when working on a 
> mathematical problem. We would not forget anything, and it would be public.
> I ask this question here because you probably have opinions and advices 
> about this, because I remember that William once published his latex folder 
> on his web page... And because I am curious of what you would have to say, 
> all in all O_o
> The point is that we may eventually end up with "free scientific journals" 
> at some point, but we could also do all this much earlier in the research 
> process. That is, *while* the research is going on.
> What do you think ? It would be nice if some of you are interested to join 
> in, or if you know that something like that already exists so that we can 
> join it ourselves, or if you have a nice tool in mind to make this kind of 
> publication easier. Including LaTeX and pictures seems to be all we need, 
> as well as some nice way to create links between pages.
> I'm all ears. Have fun everybody !!!
> Nathann

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