Thanks for the thoughtful replies. It's a fine line between being critical
of the idea and dismissive of the students. Please everyone limit
yourselves to criticizing the idea, as students might come to this thread
I don't think one should dismiss the students. Look at the Mathworks
competition (another thing MATLAB does!), as it is described in Nielsen's
book "Reinventing Dicovery". There is a history there of microcontributions
on code leading to optimised code.
There is also two assumptions in your emails:
1) that they will all have just learned python: the course might be just
the right blend of mathematics and CS so that some participants actually a
background in python. On top, one can modulate the difficulty progressively
to make sure to attract some students who actually have a strong python
background already (in MOOCs, there are always some experts lurking)
2) that I would let them choose the topic. Not so. For the specifics of how
the course will be run, I need to bring the discussion out of the mailing

As William points out, small contributions are important (example in
docstring) and the process is currently suboptimal.
I would add that other small contributions could be important, such as
semantic information coming from professional mathematicians who have just
learned utter basics of python, to have a mere sense of how the decorator
they have just added will affect the method itself. For this, existing
annotation tools suffice.


Paul-Olivier Dehaye
SNF Professor of Mathematics
University of Zurich
skype: lokami_lokami (preferred)
phone: +41 76 407 57 96
twitter: podehaye
freenode irc: pdehaye

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:40 AM, rjf <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 3:31:08 PM UTC-7, Paul-Olivier Dehaye wrote:
>> Again, in the big wave of emails, this one also got misdirected:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am looking for people who want to help me, in one way or another, bring
>> hundreds of new first time contributors to sage. If I do not find enough
>> partners, I will look for other more suitable python-based projects.
>> The idea would be quite simple: teach python programming around some
>> mathematics (such as combinatorics) and simultaneously produce code that
>> would be useful for research and worth including in sage. Two catches:
>> students are given individual problems to work on, and the course is
>> taught
>> on Coursera. Motivation for the students would come in various ways:
>> internships, for instance. Quality of the code would be ensured by
>> peer-testing the programs.
> William Stein has already responded to the major issues regarding the
> Sage development process, but I would just like to comment on this
> particular aspect of peer-testing.  Having two or more people who have
> just learned python and do not know much mathematics "peer review"
> code does not lead to much of an ensured  level of quality.
> Certainly there are other clumps of python aggregating code that are not
> as daunting as Sage.  Numpy and Sympy come to mind,  but I doubt
> that they would really relish a MOOC's-worth of naive contributions, when
> it is pretty much guaranteed that a very high percentage would, under
> careful scrutiny, be duplicative, erroneous, poorly coded, or all three.
> It's a nice thought to get many hands to write code free.  But impractical,
> in spite of Eric Raymond's "Cathedral and Bazaar" essay.  "All bugs are
> shallow
> with enough eyes"  (or whatever the wording is...)  is perhaps plausible
> if the system
> is itself shallow (like linux).
> Where I differ with Raymond is I think there are not enough eyes on the
> planet to make some
> bugs shallow in a "deep" system-- one that does (say) sophisticated
> symbolic mathematics.
> If extra eyes were all that were necessary, there would be no
> long-standing mathematical
> conjectures.
>> If you do not know what Coursera or MOOCs are, you are welcome to take my
>> upcoming course
>> If you are interested to play with a MOOC platform yourself, you might
>> want
>> first to watch the videostream of the 2pm-3pm slot of this conference I am
>> co-organising on Tuesday:
>> as it will help you assess the technical challenges.
>> I am looking at a start date for the course of around October-November,
>> and
>> to bring the discussion off the mailing list (to private) so as to keep an
>> element of surprise for the students.
>> Let me know!
>> Paul
>> Paul-Olivier Dehaye
>> SNF Professor of Mathematics
>> University of Zurich
>> skype: lokami_lokami (preferred)
>> phone: +41 76 407 57 96
>> chat:
>> twitter: podehaye
>> freenode irc: pdehaye

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