There is no deceit, libgap is the gap source made useable as a shared 
libary. Its not like git/libgit who don't share a line of code...

On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8:23:20 AM UTC+1, Snark wrote:
> Hi, 
> Le 20/02/2015 01:07, Volker Braun a écrit : 
> > On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 6:36:38 PM UTC+1, Snark wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Sage's libgap and cddlib are problems : they correspond to upstreams 
> > 
> > That is not correct, there is no upstream library interface to gap. So 
> > there is no conflict. However, Debian invented a gap-library package. 
> The package is actually named gap-libs, and isn't a library package in 
> the computer science meaning of the word, so isn't the reason libgap 
> can't go in debian. 
> Since there is a gap project (with a version number, say 3.14), debian 
> doesn't want to release a "libgap-3.14" (same name, same version number) 
> package not from upstream, as that would be deceiving the users. Rename 
> that libsagegap and it's not a problem anymore. 
> Do not lie, do not deceive -- are those unreasonable demands? 
> Snark on #sagemath 

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