>> In all honesty, I think you should throw golden bridges to people like
>> Julien and Francois who are doing all this heavy-lifting work on the

What is a "golden bridge"?

>> software engineering side of things. I think that having sage integrating
>> with distro packages would not only be a benefit from the point of view of
>> expanding the userbase, I think it would also greatly increase the software
>> engineering quality of sage and related packages.

I completely agree.     The issue is one of resources.

> This is also a good idea.  François has been incredibly helpful with a lot
> of stuff I was completely lost by in getting this or that to work.  We
> should be honoring that work as a community, because it is not very visible
> and doesn't lead directly to lots of papers, but makes a lot of those
> visible results possible by providing necessary infrastructure to doing
> science!

I certainly very much appreciate what François  and everybody else
doing distro integration is doing.    The context of this discussion
was that people were telling Volker/Jereon/etc.:

   - change how you are doing Sage releases
   - add major additional constraints to how Sage development is done
   - etc.

I do not at all support adding such additional constraints to sage development.

There's nothing incompatible about Sage development being done as it
is now, and people also putting in a lot of work to integrate Sage
into distributions.  I personal don't think your suggestion above of
how to do this would work (you didn't either0.    I think a realistic
solution is having a different branch of Sage, which is friendly to a
distribution, and having a person work significantly (15 hours/week?)
just on maintaining that fork.  I'm all for that!

 -- William

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