> Ticket #17386 implemented a naive rational point search algorithm for 
> subschemes using the enumeration of points of bounded height in number 
> fields from #15389. However, #15389 is precision sensitive and one of the 
> examples in #17386 failed on OSX 10.6.8 (in addition to an error in height 
> conversion). I've fixed the conversion error and increased the precision 
> for the example, but I have so far been unable to locate a machine which 
> can reproduce the original precision failure. If someone has an OSX 10.6.8 
> machine who could test the fix that would be appreciated.
I have a 10.7 machine - are you sure it is 10.6 only?  Justin Walker tests 
some releases on OX 10.6.8 - 
e.g. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-release/Sq1SKjQA_Mo - and 
may be able to help, I don't have his email, though.

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