> Whats the error with the updated git-trac script?

you find the error with the updated script at the end. I can now
reproduce and solve the error:

--> if I 1. go to Preferences -> SSH keys, 2. add blank lines between
the different keys, 3. press "save changes", I get the below error
message (the blank lines are automatically removed after clicking).

--> if I then 1. copy-paste the content of the box containing the ssh
keys into my editor, 2. copy-paste this back into the box, 3. press
"save changes", it works smoothly.

So I guess it is a problem with the newline characters used in this
box at trac.sagemath.org/prefs/sshkeys.

Retrieving SSH keys...
16:25:17 [git-trac] ERROR: Command '['ssh-keygen', '-lf',
'/tmp/tmplzdfKz']' returned non-zero exit status 1
16:25:17 [git-trac] ERROR: The SSH key "" is probably invaild.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/stumpc5/bin/git-trac", line 18, in <module>
  File "/home/stumpc5/progs/sage-git/git-trac-command/git_trac/cmdline.py",
line 257, in launch
  File "/home/stumpc5/progs/sage-git/git-trac-command/git_trac/app.py",
line 349, in print_config
    for key in self.trac.get_ssh_fingerprints():
  File "/home/stumpc5/progs/sage-git/git-trac-command/git_trac/trac_server.py",
line 96, in get_ssh_fingerprints
    raise error
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ssh-keygen', '-lf',
'/tmp/tmplzdfKz']' returned non-zero exit status 1

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