On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 6:50 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Jori Mäntysalo <jori.mantys...@uta.fi> wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 May 2016, Erik Bray wrote:
>>>> Imho many sage modules have grown too long, including but not limited to
>>>> some 20kloc monsters. +1 to splitting things up!
>>> Yikes!  I'm not sure I've even run into any of those yet.  20kloc is
>>> definitely worth splitting up.  ~4k is a lot more arguable I think,
>>> but I personally don't like files to get much longer than 1kloc
>>> depending of course on how practical it is to further subdivide, which
>>> it isn't always.
>> What you mean by kloc? Lines of *code*, or lines of whole file?
>> There is 21312 lines at src/sage/graphs/generic_graph.py. But there just is
>> so much functions defined for (di)graphs, with different options and
>> algorithms and so on.
> Definitely the intention was just file length.  For example,
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/blob/master/src/sage_setup/autogen/interpreters.py

I definitely tend to consider most reasonably informative comments and
docstrings as part of the "code".  Especially in Sage considering the
prevalence of doctests.

> is *mostl* (maybe 80%) comments/docstrings!  It's some of the
> best-written code I've ever seen.

Yeah, it's really good!  As evidenced by how easy it was to break into
more files.

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