Without looking carefully, the error

AttributeError: 'CenterSkewPolynomialRing_with_category' object has no attribute 'element_class'

is due to some bad initialization. There should be an attribute "Element" defined on the parent before calling the "Parent" constructor. In other words, you should follow the following pattern

class MyElement(Element):

class MyParent(Parent):
     Element = MyElement

     def __init__(self, ...):
          Parent.__init__(self, ...)

Tell me if it helps. Otherwise I might look more carefully.


On 19/06/16 18:47, Arpit Merchant wrote:

About four years ago, Xavier Caruso wrote a patch for Skew Polynomials in
Sage. I am trying to get it (Ticket #13215
<http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13215>) merged and I've run into a lot of
errors because the internal infrastructure in Sage has changed a lot since
then. I've managed to fix some of the errors, but I have no idea on how to
proceed with some. I'm attaching a file that has the traceback for these.
Any explanation, advice on how to fix these would be very helpful.

Thank you very much in advance.

Arpit Merchant.

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