On Jun 18, 2016 10:37 PM, "William Stein" <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, June 18, 2016, Thierry <sage-googlesu...@lma.metelu.net>
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 10:34:03AM -0700, William Stein wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > (1) It is now newly possible for either me or Harald Schilly to do
>> > anything related to the *.sagemath.org DNS setup.
>> >
>> > (2) Mike Hansen is currently looking into migrating wiki.sagemath.org
>> > to the same Google compute engine project...
>> I guess it is needless to recall from a previous email that:
>> - all the archeological work is already done,
>> - config files are cleaned up,
>> - sysadmin choices (webserver, firewall,...) are compatible with asksage
>>   for better cooperation with the collective which is daily working in
>>   maintainig it,
>> - everythging is documented, so that any kind of migration or upgrade
>>   take less than 5 minutes (+ download time).
> I didn't realize all of the above was posted publicly somewhere. Can you
please repost the link and save us some time.  Thanks!

I second that. Where us all of this documented?

I would like to also reiterate my suggestion for an "infrastructure"
repository to track configuration files and documentation concerning Sage
infrastructure. Currently there are several such repositories for bits and
pieces of it spread around random places, with none of it at all
comprehensive or documented.

In the process of rebuilding the trac/git server I started such a
repository privately, but need some place to put it online where others can
access it. That said I still think it should be private. This would be a
necessary first step, IMO, to making better use of CM tools
(chef/ansible/salt/etc.) to make this more sane in the future.

Would GitHub be a good place to put such a repository? Bitbucket? Anywhere
as long as it's private and not actually on any of Sage's infrastructure
itself. It would be great to get Thierry's documentation of ask and wiki
integrated as well.


P.s. Let's please keep the person barbs out of this discussion or literally
nothing will be accomplished.

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