On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2017-02-07 17:30, Erik Bray wrote:
>> A problem I've been having lately when running Sage's test suite on
>> Cygwin (i.e. sage -t -a).
>> Several of the tests that use Maxima are spinning up Maxima processes
>> (I guess interacted with via pexpect?) and not killing them.
> This is probably Cygwin-specific. It would help if you could give some more
> details. For example: is the problem reproducible or does it only happen
> sometimes? Do you know which files cause the problem? Do the doctests
> actually pass? Does Cygwin have something like strace which might help to
> debug this?

Yes, almost certainly Cygwin-specific.  Though I'm not sure when it
started--this didn't happen when I was running the tests a few months

It's reproducible insofar as every time I run the full test suite it
happens.  I haven't pinpointed any specific tests that cause the
problem--that's mainly what I was asking for help with. I.e. what are
some tests that use Maxima?

And yes, the tests pass.  I just watch `ps` and every few minutes
there will be about a dozen new `maxima` processes running, each using
an equal percentage of the CPU time.  I kill them and it doesn't seem
to have any impact on the tests, as whatever tests were responsible
for starting them are long passed.

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