On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 5:26 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 6:56 AM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> In PEP-8, Python's style guide for Python code, there's an admonition
>> right at the beginning titled "A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin
>> of Little Minds" (the wording is tongue-in-cheek; don't take it
>> literally!): https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#id15
>> The point is that no matter how well motivated a coding guideline is
>> it's just that--a guideline (maybe even a very important one!).  But
>> one never bend over backwards to write non-idiomatic, convoluted, or
>> not well-motivated code just to satisfy a guideline.  The guideline
>> should absolute be *considered* strictly when reviewing some code,
>> especially if it's critical mathematical code (in the case of Sage).
>> But that doesn't mean there will never be exceptions where one can't
>> use their common sense.
> +1, but...
> <ancient history>
> The reason for the "100% doctest policy" is because in 2007 during a
> discussion at Sage Days 5 (see [1]) Craig Citro proposed "We should
> require 100% doctesting in new code".  Many other people in the room
> and I thought this sounded like a good idea and interesting challenge,
> since Sage was starting to rapidly grow at the time.   I wrote a
> coverage script to see where we stood and it was fun to include the
> stats with each new release. The stats are *very* impressive to me
> today:
> ~/sage/src/sage$ ../../sage -coverage --summary .
> Global score: 96.1% (42697 of 44428)

Oh, neat! Though it would be nice to actually be able to use existing
runtime code coverage tools get a real view of how much the tests are
covering.  As I said before there are of course limitations, but it
helps to find major use cases that aren't being tested.  It's possible
using something like coverage.py will just work, but I haven't tried
it yet.

> We quickly started realizing how incredibly useful Craig's suggestion
> was in practice, and that it was clearly going to be absolutely
> critical to growing our developer base beyond a handful of people.
> Also, being able to take absolutely any function in the code, and
> paste something into the sage: prompt that interactively exercised
> that function was also very useful.  Moreover, it was shocking the
> extent to which anybody touching since matrices over the rationals
> could easily break something else "far away" in modular forms (heh --
> it happened today! [2])...
> The only serious challenge to this policy that I recall was when
> Michael Abshoff merged a massive amount of non-doctested quadratic
> forms code from Jon Hanke in 2008.  I was pretty annoyed and ensured
> that the code was properly tested in a timely manner.
> </ancient history>

Thanks for the background.  And of course, I think it's a great policy
by and large.  It's just important to be clear what we mean when we
ask whether or not a function is "tested".  If you wrap a function
immediately in a wrapper function, the purpose of which is to supply
documentation/tests in one place, then the wrapped function is being
tested--you don't need a formal proof to see that.  It's just a simple
application of the DRY principle :)

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