I'd like to request opinions on whether we should get rid of the "Trusted
Authors" check in the Sage patchbot.

At present, the patchbot won't test a ticket unless all of the names in the
Trac "Authors" field have had at least one ticket previously merged.
Presumably the intention of this is to prevent people uploading git
branches with malicious code that will hijack the patchbot servers. But the
"Authors" field is a free text field; there's nothing to stop anybody with
a trac account uploading a git branch with author set to "William Stein",
or "Mickey Mouse" for that matter. So this feature provides zero actual
security against attacks, and only serves to make life more difficult for
legitimate users -- and, worse still, it specifically targets new
contributors who we want at all costs to encourage.

So I would advocate getting rid of the "Trust" feature -- or at least
adjusting it so it runs the ticket if any of the authors are trusted
(rather than all of them). What do others here think of this idea?

(I spotted this while reviewing ticket 19169, where the authors are a group
of first-time Sage contributors from Sage Days 69 in 2015. The ticket has
been languishing in needs-review purgatory for most of the intervening 2
years, and the fact that it didn't have a green light from the patchbot
probably contributed to that.)


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