Hi all. I think I have found a bug in Sage, but have not reported bugs 
before and would appreciate confirmation that it's actually reproducible 
(and not something broken with my own setup) before I make a ticket on trac.

When finding roots of a polynomial with coefficients in SR having only a 
single root up to multiplicity, the return value is of the form
[value, multiplicity]
instead of the expected
[(value, multiplicity)]

Minimal working example:
sage: Rq.<u> = QQ[]
sage: Rs.<v> = SR[]
sage: poly_rat = ((u-1)^2)
sage: poly_sym = ((v-1)^2)
sage: poly_rat.roots()
[(1, 2)]
sage: poly_sym.roots()
[1, 2]
sage: version()
'SageMath version 8.1, Release Date: 2017-12-07'

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