I have recently re-written the nixpkgs sage package to use system 
(not merged yet). While doing that I noticed that while sage patches a lot 
its dependencies (81 out of 276 packages have a `patches` folder).

There are more or less 3 categories of patches:

1. sage-the-distribution specific patches

  These patch paths, makefiles, wrappers etc. to make packages work with 
  spkgs. Thats pretty much what every distro does, too.

2. essential patches

  Patches that are absolutely needed for sage to work. I consider the 
  `re_match_index-issue_27177.patch` an example of this category, because
  - it is needed for a basic sage function (regex matching)
  - there is no reasonable way to work around it (`re` cannot be monkey 
    I'm not entirely sure why sage needs to overwrite the python integer, 
    I'm sure there is a good reason for it.

3. small fixes / opinionated patches / issues that could be worked around 

  Examples for this:

  - fixing a formatting failure in `backports.shutil_get_terminal_size` by
    patching the spkg. That could instead be fixed by patching the sage 

  - patch python to fix python bug 5755 instead of either adjusting the 
    or monkey-patching instead (#25316).

  - patch pari to remove a warning instead of dismissing that warning within
    sage or adapting the doctests (#25312)

  - patch python to add path security checks (#25358)

There is no way around (1) and those patches don't really hurt anything 
it might be nice to clearly mark them as sage-the-distribution specific
patches). There is no way around the (2) patches and including applying 
them is
usually a good idea, independent of sage.

(3) is the issue. Those patches are usually included because they fix the
problem in an easier or cleaner way than working around it within sage, 
which is
reasonable. Those patches make packaging sage very hard though. 
have to either include these patches (there are good reasons to be reluctant
against new patches and you'll usually have to convince a maintainer of 
value) or add patches to sage to work around the issue.

I would propose to make it a policy to only include sage patches when
*absolutely necessary*. If ugly workarounds or even monkey-patching is 
for that, that sucks. But distributions will usually come up with even 
workarounds (since they don't know the code) anyways, just resulting in
duplication of effort.

Of course I don't mean to accuse anybody that added those examples in the 
I understand the reasoning behind it ("cleaner" solutions). I just want to 
awareness about the problems this causes downstream, especially for new sage
packages (most of those issues can be forgotten once they're "solved" for 
distribution, but the next distribution will have to solve them all over 

[1] https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39981

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