
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 09:32:58AM +0100, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Dear all,
> Imagine I have a Python module, typically hosted on PyPI and depending
> on SageMath, that provides documentation in some form (e.g. a pdf file,
> a sphinx repo, etc).
> 1) When a user performs `sage -pip install X`, should the documentation
>    be compiled and installed?

I would say that:

    sage -pip blah

should behave the same as:

    sage -sh
    pip blah

whatever blah is, so as to behave like the others:

    sage -famous_program

Perhaps could we have some dedicated "clever":

        sage -install blah

that parses blah to see whether it is an spkg name, it has to pip
install it, to git clone it and search for some Makefile, and so on, and
with nicest defaults as possible (like installing the doc if it exists).


> If the answer is yes (I believe it is)
> 2) Is there any recommendation on how this should be done? Should
>    there be a target in setup.py? Should there be a proper Makefile?
> 3) Where do we set/get the proper environment variable to know where
>    to install documentation? I can imagine at least 3 natural targets
>    that depend on the command performed
>    $ pip install X        -> doc should install in /usr/share
>    $ sage -pip install X  -> doc should install in $SAGE_SHARE
>    $ pip install X --user -> doc should install in $HOME/.local/share
>    (what about $ sage -pip install X --user? Should it be
>     $HOME/.sage/local/share?)
> 4) Ideally, if the documentation is based on sphinx a link should be
> available in the Help menu of any SageMath Jupyter Notebook and it
> should be possible to run the examples directly.
> Note that the sage_sample repo on github
> (https://github.com/sagemath/sage_sample) is carefully avoiding the question
> by advising to deploy
> the documentation on a github website.
> Best
> Vincent
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