I am trying a medium scale computation. Unfortunately it breaks every time 
with error messages I do not know how to interpret.
They may or may not be bugs in sage. Here is a traceback

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-1e340a4a9be4> in <module>()
----> 1 classify_ord_pe(L,Integer(2),Integer(2),'results/order4.txt','a')

/home/simon/.sage/temp/k3/2030/K3_aut_classification.sageWSsnuG.py in 
classify_ord_pe(L, p, e, file_name, rw)
    258         print(" ")
    259         cofix = cofixed[k].twist(-_sage_const_1 )
--> 260         for Aa in k3_prime_power(fix.genus(), p, e):
    261             A, a, Oa = Aa
    262             actsg = MaximalK3surfaceAut(A, cofix, a, Oa)

/home/simon/.sage/temp/k3/2030/prime_power.sagez0p9M2.py in k3_prime_power(
genus, prime, e)
    138             signatures += [[ranks_E[k]]*(weights[k]//_sage_const_2 
) for k in range(_sage_const_1 ,n)]
    139         signatures[-_sage_const_1 ][_sage_const_0 ] -= _sage_const_1
--> 140         for act in prime_power_actions(genus,prime,ranks,signatures
    141             yield act

/home/simon/.sage/temp/k3/2030/prime_power.sagez0p9M2.py in 
prime_power_actions(genus, p, ranks, signatures)
    278                     # recurse
    279                     # print(R)
--> 280                     for N in prime_power_actions(R, p, 
], R_signatures):
    281                         N, fN, GN = N
    282                         ext = extensions(M, fM, N, fN, GM, GN, 
glue_order, p)

/home/simon/.sage/temp/k3/2030/prime_power.sagez0p9M2.py in 
prime_power_actions(genus, p, ranks, signatures)
    278                     # recurse
    279                     # print(R)
--> 280                     for N in prime_power_actions(R, p, 
], R_signatures):
    281                         N, fN, GN = N
    282                         ext = extensions(M, fM, N, fN, GM, GN, 
glue_order, p)

/home/simon/.sage/temp/k3/2030/prime_power.sagez0p9M2.py in 
prime_power_actions(genus, p, ranks, signatures)
    196     if len(ranks) == _sage_const_1 :
    197         # there is nothing to glue
--> 198         for M in genus.representatives():
    199             fM = M ** _sage_const_0
    200             M = IntegralLattice(M)

genera/genus.pyc in representatives(self, backend, algorithm)
   3161                 if self.signature_pair()[0] == 0:
   3162                     e *= ZZ(-1)
-> 3163                 Q = QuadraticForm(e*self.representative())
   3164                 seeds = [Q]
   3165                 for p in self.spinor_generators(proper=False):

genera/genus.pyc in representative(self)
   3010         """
   3011         if self._representative is None:
-> 3012             self._compute_representative()
   3013         return self._representative

in _compute_representative(self, LLL)
   3085                     gp = Gp()
   3086                     m = pari(L)
-> 3087                     gp.read(SAGE_EXTCODE + "/pari/simon/qfsolve.gp")
   3088                     m = gp.eval('qflllgram_indefgoon(%s)'%m)
   3089                     # convert the output string to sage

in read(self, filename)
    222             sage: os.unlink(filename)
    223         """
--> 224         self.eval(self._read_in_file_command(filename))
    226     def _read_in_file_command(self, filename):

in eval(self, code, strip, synchronize, locals, allow_use_file, split_lines, 
   1349                 elif split_lines:
   1350                     return '\n'.join([self._eval_line(L, 
allow_use_file=allow_use_file, **kwds)
-> 1351                                         for L in code.split('\n') if 
L != ''])
   1352                 else:
   1353                     return self._eval_line(code, allow_use_file=
allow_use_file, **kwds)

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/gp.pyc in 
_eval_line(self, line, allow_use_file, wait_for_prompt, restart_if_needed)
    443         a = Expect._eval_line(self, line,
    444                               allow_use_file=allow_use_file,
--> 445                               wait_for_prompt=wait_for_prompt)
    446         if a.find("the PARI stack overflows") != -1:
    447             verbose("automatically doubling the PARI stack and 
re-executing current input line")

in _eval_line(self, line, allow_use_file, wait_for_prompt, restart_if_needed
    914         try:
    915             if self._expect is None:
--> 916                 self._start()
    917             E = self._expect
    918             try:

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/gp.pyc in 
_start(self, alt_message, block_during_init)
    242     def _start(self, alt_message=None, block_during_init=True):
--> 243         Expect._start(self, alt_message, block_during_init)
    244         # disable memory debugging: those warnings can only confuse 
    245         # interface

in _start(self, alt_message, block_during_init)
    518         try:
--> 519             self._expect.expect(self._prompt)
    520         except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF) as msg:
    521             self._expect = None

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.pyc in 
expect(self, pattern, timeout, searchwindowsize, async_, **kw)
    339         compiled_pattern_list = self.compile_pattern_list(pattern)
    340         return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list,
--> 341                 timeout, searchwindowsize, async_)
    343     def expect_list(self, pattern_list, timeout=-1, searchwindowsize

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.pyc in 
expect_list(self, pattern_list, timeout, searchwindowsize, async_, **kw)
    367             return expect_async(exp, timeout)
    368         else:
--> 369             return exp.expect_loop(timeout)
    371     def expect_exact(self, pattern_list, timeout=-1, 

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/expect.pyc in 
expect_loop(self, timeout)
    109                     return self.timeout()
    110                 # Still have time left, so read more data
--> 111                 incoming = spawn.read_nonblocking(spawn.maxread, 
    112                 if self.spawn.delayafterread is not None:
    113                     time.sleep(self.spawn.delayafterread)

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/pty_spawn.pyc in 
read_nonblocking(self, size, timeout)
    455         # * https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/pull/304
    456         # * http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/10295
--> 457         if select(0):
    458             try:
    459                 incoming = super(spawn, self).read_nonblocking(size)

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/pty_spawn.pyc in 
    447         else:
    448             def select(timeout):
--> 449                 return select_ignore_interrupts([self.child_fd], [], 
[], timeout)[0]
    451         # If there is data available to read right now, read as 
much as

/home/simon/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/utils.pyc in 
select_ignore_interrupts(iwtd, owtd, ewtd, timeout)
    141     while True:
    142         try:
--> 143             return select.select(iwtd, owtd, ewtd, timeout)
    144         except InterruptedError:
    145             err = sys.exc_info()[1]

ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select()

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