Le vendredi 12 avril 2019 22:06:34 UTC+2, David Roe a écrit :
> I realized that you may be just looking for the Python complex type.  To 
> get that you can do:
> sage: j = complex(i)
> sage: (3 + 4*j)^2
> (-7+24j)

The imaginary unit of Python's complex numbers displays
(and is input) as 1j. To use these numbers in Sage either
disable the Sage preparser:

    sage: preparser(False)
    sage: a = 1j
    sage: a
    sage: a*a
    sage: (1 + 1j) * (3 + 2j)

or append "r" (for "raw") to the numbers you input.

    sage: preparser(True)
    sage: (1 + 1j) * (3 + 2j)
    1.00000000000000 + 5.00000000000000*I
    sage: (1r + 1jr) * (3r + 2jr)

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