While playing with graphs.nauty_geng(...), I noticed that the geng 
subprocess might remain active after a ctrl-C, and even after existing the 
current sagemath session. This is not always the case, but it happens 

Try this for instance (I'm using debug mode to quickly get an output):
sage: next(graphs.nauty_geng("-c 30", debug=True))
'>A geng -cd1D29 n=30 e=29-435\n'
then check your active processes, quit the sage session and continue 
checking for active processes.

Then I tried to handle keyboard interrupt in nauty_geng adding
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise KeyboardInterrupt()

and used the following example:
sage: for g in graphs.nauty_geng("-c 30", debug=True):
....:     print(g)
>A geng -cd1D29 n=30 e=29-435

again, most of the time the geng process remains active after ctrl-C even 
if I quit the sage session. I also tried sp.terminate() with the same 

At least, using this code the geng process is always killed after ctrl-C
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                while sp.poll() is None:
                raise KeyboardInterrupt()

However, I don't know how to force termination of the process after
sage: next(graphs.nauty_geng("-c 30", debug=True))

What can we do to fix that ?


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