Le mardi 12 novembre 2019 20:42:16 UTC+1, rjf a écrit :
> Since Maxima is  free and open source and gpl, why not just read the 
> algorithm implemented there
> and rewrite it in Python?

That can be done. But I had other interest in mind:

   - multivariate case (my solution of iterative univariate approximations 
   may not be optimal...)
   - other (newer) algorithms, possibly more efficient.
The hint given by Vincent is interesting, and I'm following it. I'll keep 
this thread posted.
Anyway, wrapping the relevant Maxima calls in a Python function is trivial, 
and may serve as a first implementation.

> \
> On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 1:29:56 AM UTC-8, Emmanuel Charpentier 
> wrote:
>> Dear Vincent,
>> a very quick answer (limbic system level. :-). Thank you for this hint. 
>> It seems really interesting. But I'll need time to explore it and find my 
>> way.
>> Of course, I will have to work on PolynomialRing(SR) in order to be able 
>> to work on one variable while ignoring the rest...
>> I'll keep you posted.
>> Le lundi 11 novembre 2019 09:28:58 UTC+1, Vincent Neiger a écrit :
>>> Dear Emmanuel,
>>> You may be interested in taking a look at the following function:
>>> Matrix_polynomial_dense.minimal_approximant_basis
>>> This only supports the univariate case. This solves a problem which 
>>> generalizes Padé approximation (the documentation gives a precise 
>>> description of what it computes; taking notation from there, instead of 
>>> thinking in terms of polynomials you may view the matrix F as having power 
>>> series entries, with the column j truncated at order d_j ).
>>> Coming back to our problem: if you have a power series S(x) at some 
>>> order d and you want to find a Padé approximation f(x) / g(x) of it, you 
>>> can find it by calling the above function on the 2 x 1 polynomial matrix 
>>> [[S(x).polynomial()], [-1]] with the input order being d. Specifically on 
>>> this input the above function will return a 2 x 2 matrix of univariate 
>>> polynomials, and its first row will be [[g(x) , f(x)]], your sought 
>>> approximant.
>>> By default you will get the approximant with f and g of degree about d/2 
>>> and deg(g) > deg(f) (well, at least on typical instances), but by 
>>> manipulating the optional argument "shift" you can get any other type that 
>>> you want. This shift is basically equivalent to the notion of "defects" 
>>> often found in the literature on approximants.
>>> This is based on an algorithm described by Van Barel and Bultheel and by 
>>> Beckermann and Labahn in the early 1990s. A much faster algorithm exists, 
>>> using a divide and conquer approach and fast polynomial multiplication, but 
>>> for it to be interesting we would need Sage to have a faster polynomial 
>>> matrix multiplication (for the moment this faster algorithm is not really 
>>> interesting except for small matrix dimensions... so it could actually 
>>> bring substantial speedups for this 2 x 1 case).
>>> As you can guess from the documentation of the above function, it has 
>>> been mainly designed with an "exact arithmetic" context in mind, typically 
>>> working over a finite field or the rationals. So it is my turn to write 
>>> that I would be very interested in reading your comments on how this 
>>> existing method behaves in your context.
>>> Le dimanche 10 novembre 2019 14:32:52 UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier a 
>>> écrit :
>>>> Dear list,
>>>> IMHO, Sage may use an implementation of Padé approximants (similar t 
>>>> its implementation of Taylor series), if only for numerical use reasons. 
>>>> Currently, this can be done:
>>>>    - by wrapping the Maxima functions taylor and pade (Maxima's pade 
>>>>    needs a Maxima taylor development object, which does not cleanly 
>>>>    translate to Sage);
>>>>    - by using the PowerSeriesRing.pade method.
>>>> Some trials have shown that the latter method, as advertised in its 
>>>> documentation, is indeed unsuitable even for moderately large degrees of 
>>>> the numerator and denominator: the expression thus obtained are extremely 
>>>> unwieldy large and are slow to evaluate numerically.
>>>> In contrast, the algorithm used by Maxima, gives easily usable results 
>>>> (even if they can be enhanced by expansion and possibly factorization 
>>>> and/or simplification). But using it worsens our dependence on Maxima.
>>>> Hence, a couple of questions:
>>>> *Algorithms:*
>>>> Do you have pointers to better algorithms for Padé approximants 
>>>> computation (especially for the multivariate case ? (These might also be 
>>>> helpful in the implementation of PowerSeriesRing.pade ...)
>>>> *User interface:*
>>>> We can follow our current taylor() convention, which is a bit of a 
>>>> straightjacket in the multivariate case,imposing the same degree for all 
>>>> the developments wrt the different variables.
>>>> We can also allow so specify different degrees for the development wrt 
>>>> the different variables (this can make sense for very asymetric functions).
>>>> Suggestions ?
>>>> *Multivariate case:*
>>>> An elementary implementation (see (Huard and Guillaume, 2000) 
>>>> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037704270000337X> 
>>>> for example) is to iteratively create a Padé approximant for the 
>>>> successive 
>>>> variables. i. e. if p(f, x) denotes the Pade approximant wrt the 
>>>> variable x, you end up computing (p(p(p(f,x),y),z) (the implementation 
>>>> is trivial). The paper I quoted hints that there are better solutions, but 
>>>> is a bit above my pay grade (my initial formation is in dentistry and 
>>>> surgery...).
>>>> Do you have suggestions on this point ?
>>>> More generally, any comments are welcome !

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