I'm in favor of this change. The code is faster and slightly easier to 

Extra opinions are more than welcome.

Le mardi 7 janvier 2020 22:42:45 UTC+1, Jonathan Kliem a écrit :
> Dear all,
> currently the sparse graph backend keeps a reversed copy of the graph.
> However, the SparseGraph itself does not have access to it and thus the 
> reversed structure should be moved there for obvious optimizations. See 
> #28904 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/28904>.
> As the sparse graph backend is the only backend actually using the 
> reversed structure, it would make sense to remove this.
> However, it is very well possible that people use the unsafe methods of 
> SparseGraph directly and code will break.
> E.g. in graphs/trees.py the undirected trees are generated by manually 
> adding an arc in each direction.
> I think, if we remove the reversed graph attribute in CGraph altogether, 
> people are more likely to catch on that something changed.
> But in an undirected graph it can very well happen that they add two edges 
> instead of one (as they used to add one arc for each direction).
> Any thoughts?
> Jonathan

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