About Sage and floating-point numbers, if I remember correctly,

- IEEE 754 is not a complete specification, some details are left
  up to the implementation and therefore IEEE 754 compliant
  computations can vary from machine to machine (depending
  on processor or OS)
- in Sage, `RDF` and `float` use machine floats and so follow IEEE 754
- by contrast RR and RealField are specified more tightly so as to
  give the same computations on any machine
- the range of exponents in RR is a lot wider than in RDF
- RDF is a lot faster than RR

Two excellent sources on real and floating-point numbers in Sage

- The many ways of computing with real numbers
  Talk by Vincent Delecroix at Sage Days 88 in IMA, U Minnesota, 2017

- What are the different real numbers in Sage

Related Sage Trac tickets

- Deprecate is_RealField / is_RealNumber

- rename RealField/RealNumber

- Modernize sage.rings.real_mpfr

- Thematic tutorial about real and complex numbers in Sage

- Deprecate global RealNumber() and ComplexNumber()

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