On 4/13/20 7:44 PM, Olivier Guillon wrote:
> Hello
> I had an error while building sage from source. It may just be a timing
> issue but it seems the upstream repo for brial has changed name to
> '.../upstream/sage_brial/' while this change was not yet reflected on
> servers (where the repo is still '.../upstream/brial/'). Sage built
> after getting brial spkg directly from the repository.

We split the brial package into "brial" (the compiled library) and
"sage_brial" (the python interface to that library) in trac #29369. Both
of them use the same upstream tarball. What error did you run into?

(Ultimately, sage_brial should just be added to the sage library like
all of the other library interfaces, but this was the easiest solution
to implement/review.)

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