
SageDebianLive 6.3 has been released, and is accessible from Sage

The main changes from the previous version are:

- selfrepair module : if the user breaks the filesystem (e.g. by
  removing the USB drive while working), the module can try to fix it
- two sage books were added to the offline documentation ("Matematyka
  Łatwiejsza Niż Myślisz" in polish, and "Sage For Undergraduates" in
- A default ipython worksheet with "%load_ext sage" as the first cell
  was added.

- info : http://sagedebianlive.metelu.net/
- download : http://sagemath.org/download-livecd.html
- md5sum : 68df501d3676431db645d5836acbb736

Comments, bug reports, feature requests, remarks, questions,
conjectures, etc. are all welcome.


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