> I run Sage 2.4 on my office Windows XP machine as a VMWare appliance
> without problem.  I would like to run it on my laptop Windows Vista
> machine.  I can run the appliance and work with Sage through the
> command prompt but I can't run the notebook.  During startup I get a
> "The network bridge on device VMnet0 is temporarily down because the
> bridged Ethernet interface is down.  The virtual machine may not be
> able to communicate with the host or with other machines on your
> network."
> message from the VMware player.
> Any idea what network/firewall/configuration settings I need to change
> to get the notebook to work?

This seems like very much a VMware configuration question rather
than a SAGE question.  Unfortunately I don't have any ideas.  You might
try asking on the VMware forums.  Please feel free to report back with
what you find.


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