To avoid massive confusion the __xor__ operator is not defined for SAGE
integers.  Instead use the _xor function, which will be very fast:

sage: n = 5; m = 17
sage: n._xor(m)

On 6/8/07, Andrew Budker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm getting the following error when calling the xor operator from
> a .py file:
> because sage interprets ^ as exponentiation, i imported the xor
> function from operator.
> whats even stranger, is that the xor seems to work from the command
> line just fine.
> --> 178             t0 = self.ideaMultiply(roundSubKeys[4],
> xor(temp[0],temp[2]))
> /home/abudker/Desktop/199/sage-
> element.pyx in element.Element.__xor__()
> <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>: Use ** for exponentiation, not '^',
> which means xor
> thanks,
> -Andrew Budker
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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