---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joseph Hufnagle
Date: Jun 23, 2007 4:35 PM
Subject: Re:

Dear Sir,
      Thanks for your timely reply. However, what you instructed me to do
was not enough.
      The notebook computer I recently bought has wireless capability, so I
disconnected my modem and connected to a wireless network. The Cremona
Database downloaded and installed successfully.
      Once again, Thanks.

>From: "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: sage-support@googlegroups.com
>Subject: Re:
>Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:05:41 -0700
>>From: Joseph Hufnagle
>>       VMWare Player seems to work just fine in Windows Vista. I am,
>>having trouble downloading and installing the Cremona database. It
>>to download and returns 'Connection timed out'. Is something going on with
>>the site that I should know about?
>The website is fine.  Probably vmware and/or your computer is setup to
>not allow external connection from vmware to the rest of the world, hence
>you can't download that optional package from within vmware.   I've
>not used vista (or possibly your anti-virus software) enough to know
>anything about configuring vista to allow vmware to connect to the
>outside world.
>One simple thing you could try is to:
>   (1) shut down the vmware virtual machine (instead of typing "notebook"
>the prompt type "off").
>   (2) Change the network to "shared" instead of "Host only" (this is
>the network
>    drop down menu in vmware in the upper right/middle are of the screen)
>   (3) Start vmware up and try again.
>This will use shared networking instead of host only networking, so I
>think getting
>a connection to the outside world will be very likely to work,
>irregardless of any
>settings in Windows Vista.  Note, however, that you'll likely want to
>switch back
>to host only networking after you do this, since host only networking
>will give you
>a much faster and robust connection between vmware and your *local* web
>>       I bought a new laptop just to run Sage. It has Windows Vista Home
>>Basioc on it. I didn't go for a 64-bit machine, so I can't tell you about
>>that. Could my being trouble with downloading the Cremona database have
>>anything to do with Vista?

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William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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