On 7/24/07, Green Kobold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks William, that was very elucidating. BTW, SAGE was very helpful in
> some recent developments, I indeed mentioned SAGE with some emphasis on a
> computer music article recently accepted (if it helps SAGE project, I can
> send some infos in the occasion of its publication).

Yes, it would help SAGE greatly if you could send some info.
I'll post a link or info about the publication here:

> back to the executable issue:
> I am not very experienced with programming, actually I only know a little of
> python. So I can spend some weeks on a senseless plan b.  I've already done
> some executables from python code, using cx_freeze.

I don't know really anything more useful
about making standalone executables from
python, etc., code, like you're discussing, unfortunately.
Sorry.  I hope somebody else has some ideas.

 -- william

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