On 7/26/07, Roger Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You should do m.substitute(a=1) just like you're doing -- unfortunately,
> > nobody implemented that yet, and it's doing some dumb generic behavior.
> > [...]
> > Fortunately, I just implemented this for SAGE-2.7.1, which I'll release very
> > very soon.
> Thank you both very much.  It seems I need a careful read of the user
> manual, I had not picked up on lambda expressions.  I am compiling
> 2.7.1 so will soon be able to test blah.substitute(a=1).

I don't know if lambda expressions are discussed in the user manual.
The SAGE language is Python, and Python has a very nice lambda
expression.  Thus this nicely written book also applies to SAGE:
The section on lambda expressions is here:


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