What is the recommended way of starting sage as a server for the
notebook in a way that is detached from
any terminal? The issues I am running into currently:

sage -notebook secure=True &> sage.log </dev/null &

does not have the desired effect: The options do not get passed on to

sage -c "notebook(secure=True)" &> sage.log </dev/null &

does work properly, but it leads to the next problem:

How to make a notebook process die cleanly without interactive access
to pass it a "ctrl-C"?
I can send the sage process a "kill" signal, but I end up cleaning up
a whole bunch of processes manually. Is there a particular signal I
should be sending? Should I send it to a particular process?

Also, for the log file, I guess this log file could get rather long.
Is there a graceful way of logging such that older parts of the log
can be rotated away? I think syslog has capabilities for that, but I
don't know how to use that.

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