On Oct 14, 2:37 am, Simon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear William,
> you wrote:
> > This question belongs in the cython or pyrex mailing lists,
> > rather than sage-support, so I've forwarded it there.
> After posting my question, i found an answer to my question in the
> web:
> Pyrex 0.9.6 provides conditional compilation. 
> Seehttp://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Pyrex/version/Doc/...
> (However, i didn't succeed to make it work on some easy examples, so
> it seems i need more information)
> I do think that my question remains a question for sage, since "sage -
> cython" apparently does not provide that new pyrex functionality. The
> line
> DEF VARI = "Value"
> is accepted by pyrexc, but not by sage -cython.

There has been a very recent release of pyrex and the changes/updates
from that release haven't made it into Cython's latest release yet (at
least not the one in the official tree)

> Can you tell me the web address of the pyrex or cython mailin lists,
> so that i can read answers?

See http://developer.berlios.de/projects/cython/
> Yours
>    Simon



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