On Oct 23, 6:19 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Michael,
> On Oct 22, 2007, at 20:10 , mabshoff wrote:
> > On Oct 23, 3:58 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Oct 20, 2007, at 23:53 , William Stein wrote:
> >> I'm building from scratch on a 8x3GHz Xeon Mac Pro (Mac OS X/
> >> 10.4.10), and have run into a build glitch:

Hi Justin,

> > Is that the dual Quad Core Mac box or do you have access to some truly
> > monster box from Apple?
> You know I can't talk about that :-}
> But in any case, yes, it's the dual Quad Core Xeon box.

Hey, if you tell me will you have to kill me? *ducks*

> >> Also, the "-I" in the gcc line above is followed by a space;
> >> shouldn't that be "-I/...."?
> > I don't think it makes a difference.
> You're right.  I'm probably thinking of something from long ago, or
> maybe "-L".
> > Well, the compiler uses "-L/usr/local/lib", so it ends up picking the
> > wrong gmp. As a workaround could you please move /usr/local/lib to /
> > usr/local/lib0 for the time of the build and try again? If that works
> > could you please open a ticket so that we can teach cddlib-094b not to
> > include anything from /usr/local/lib
> I did this for both '/lib' and '/include', just for grins, and cddlib
> did build successfully.

Ok, please open a ticket for cddlib-094b then.

> However, I have to rerun the build from scratch: it seems to depend
> on /usr/local/lib: maxima won't run with that name change.  I
> neglected to note which library in /usr/local/lib was referenced
> before I blew away the window where I tested that: a lot of tests
> were failing because of maxima problems.

Hmm, I wonder if this is worth fixing.

> Can I build sage with something like '-j 4'?  It's a shame to see all
> those cores sitting idle :-}

It should work, the packages that fail to build properly with j>1 (I
believe only Singular is affected) reset that flag. Give it a try and
report back any issues you encounter ;)

> Justin



> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Director
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
> -----------
> Nobody knows the trouble I've been
> -----------

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