
(a) I'm not sure if this is a bug or something missing, but it seems
to me it should be easy to plot y=arccsc(x) in SAGE, since it
is a basic function of trigonometry and calculus. Two problems:
(1) it seems arccsc is not defined,
(2) after defining it, it does not seem easy to plot it:

sage: acsc = lambda x: CDF(x,0).arccsc()
sage: acsc(1.1)
sage: acsc(1.9)
sage: P = plot(RR(acsc(x)),1,2)
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/<ipython console> in <lambda>(x)

/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/complex_double.pyx in

/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/complex_double.pyx in

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: a float is required

(b) In fact, what I'd like to do is plot in SAGE what calculus teachers draw
frequently on the board: not just one branch of arccsc but rather
several of them: ie, the plot of y=csc(x) over say -2\pi to 2*\pi,
flipped about the 45^o line. Is this easy to do?

- David Joyner

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong here?

- David Joyner

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