The problem is surely that the pieces f1a etc are just Python
lambda-functions, yet the integral() method is being called on each of
these in the line
return sum([funcs[i].integral(x,invs[i][0],invs[i][1]) for i in range(n)])
so the problem arises since you are asking to integrate each funcs[i]
but they do not know how to integrate themselves.

The solution would be to define your f1a (etc) not as lambda-functions
but as functions which Sage knows how to integrate, and then form the
piecewise function out of those "integrable" components.


On 14/01/2008, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At the moment,
> (a) "piecewise" is only set up for piecewise polynomials,
> (b) the "integrate" command is "integral".
> So, for your function (which is piecewise polynomial), this should
> work:
> sage: f1a = lambda x: -x+1; f1b = lambda x: x+1
> sage: f2a = lambda x : -(x - 2) - 1; f2b = lambda x : (x - 2) - 1
> sage: tri_wave = piecewise([ [(-1,0), f1a], [(0,1),f1b], [(1,2), f2a],
> [(2,3),f2b]])
> sage: tri_wave.integral()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>        Traceback (most recent call last)
> /mnt/drive_hda1/sagefiles/sage-2.9.alpha5/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /home/wdj/wdj/sagefiles/sage-2.9.alpha5/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/functions/
> in integral(self, x)
>     636         invs = self.intervals()
>     637         n = len(funcs)
> --> 638         return sum([funcs[i].integral(x,invs[i][0],invs[i][1])
> for i in range(n)])
>     639
>     640     def convolution(self,other):
> <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'function' object has no attribute
> 'integral'
> I have no idea what that error means. It is (if you look at the
> code) clear that integral is a method for the class PiecewisePolynomial and 
> that
> tri_wave is an instance of that class. Indeed, tri_wave.[tab] gives
> you the methods
> allowed:
> sage: tri_wave.
> tri_wave.base_ring                                 tri_wave.intervals
> tri_wave.convolution                               tri_wave.laplace
> tri_wave.cosine_series_coefficient                 tri_wave.length
> tri_wave.critical_points                           tri_wave.list
> tri_wave.derivative                                tri_wave.plot
> tri_wave.domain
> tri_wave.plot_fourier_series_partial_sum
> tri_wave.end_points
> tri_wave.plot_fourier_series_partial_sum_cesaro
> tri_wave.extend_by_zero_to
> tri_wave.plot_fourier_series_partial_sum_filtered
> tri_wave.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient
> tri_wave.plot_fourier_series_partial_sum_hann
> tri_wave.fourier_series_partial_sum                tri_wave.riemann_sum
> tri_wave.fourier_series_partial_sum_cesaro
> tri_wave.riemann_sum_integral_approximation
> tri_wave.fourier_series_partial_sum_filtered
> tri_wave.sine_series_coefficient
> tri_wave.fourier_series_partial_sum_hann           tri_wave.tangent_line
> tri_wave.fourier_series_sine_coefficient           tri_wave.trapezoid
> tri_wave.fourier_series_value
> tri_wave.trapezoid_integral_approximation
> tri_wave.functions                                 tri_wave.unextend
> tri_wave.integral                                  tri_wave.which_function
> I have no idea if this is another bug or what. Once I understand this,
> hopefully I can fix the
> first bug.
> On Jan 14, 2008 1:00 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 1/13/08, Hector Villafuerte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I defined a piecewise function (specifically, a triangular wave) like 
> > > this:
> > >
> > > sage: f1(x) = -abs(x) + 1
> > > sage: f2(x) = abs(x - 2) - 1
> > > sage: tri_wave = piecewise([ [(-1,1), f1], [(1,3), f2]])
> > >
> > > One can plot it and it looks very nice:
> > >
> > > sage: tri_wave.plot()
> > >
> > > But while calculating this integral I get "ValueError: Value not
> > > defined outside of domain."
> > >
> > > sage: integrate(tri_wave(x)^2, x, -1, 3)
> > >
> > > Is there a way to integrate piecewise-defined functions?
> > > As always, thanks for your help,
> >
> > This is clearly broken.  As a band-aide, you can at least
> > numerically integrate as follows:
> >
> > sage: integral_numerical(lambda x: tri_wave(x)^2, -1, 3)
> > (1.3333333333333333, 1.4765966227514582e-14)
> >
> > The first output (1.3333...) is the answer, and the second is an error 
> > bound.
> >
> > I've made the bug you point out above trac #1773:
> >
> >
> >  -- William
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

John Cremona

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