On Apr 26, 3:14 am, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm wondering why is it that
> rm -rf "$SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/$GAP/pkg/"
> mkdir "$SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/$GAP/pkg/"
> occurs in the spkg-install script for gap_packages*?
> Is there a reason why the old packages are deleted?

Hi David,

my guess would be that the in the past older GAP packages caused
problems when upgrading Sage. So the "burned earth policy" might fix
the issue, but that is obviously not convenient for people like you
who install packages on their own. We used to have a bunch of GAP
related doctest failures due to GAP workspaces hanging around, so
those are now nuked too on upgrade. But it might be possible that the
workspace clean up fix actually removes the need to nuke the pkg
directory. I assume William did the above "fix" a long time ago, so
maybe he can shed some light on this.

> - David Joyner


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