On Apr 26, 11:47 pm, John H Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi John,

> What are the optional packages? Right now if I type 'sage -optional',
> I get a list like this:
> biopython-1.44
> database_sloane_oeis-2005-12
> (etc.)
> It would be very helpful if I got something like this instead:
> biopython-1.44                               Python modules for
> bioinformatics
> database_sloane_oeis-2005-12       Encyclopedia of integer sequences

Yes, it has been suggested to add descriptions to the packages. There
is already a ticket for it.

> (etc.)
> This information should also be present on the web page
>   <http://www.sagemath.org/packages/optional/>
> I found some info by selecting individual packages from the page
>   <http://www.sagemath.org:9001/optional_packages_available_for_SAGE>

This page will likely die in the website rework since maintaining two
pages for the same info is pointless and the wiki page will likely be
outdated since the other one is automatically generated.

> but even that is pretty spotty, partly because some aren't documented,
> and partly because the list from 'sage -optional' doesn't match the
> list on that web page.  I still can't tell what "ace-5.0.p0" and
> "fricas-1.0.2" are, for example...



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