On Apr 30, 11:34 am, "M. Fix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello-


> I input the following:
> sage: s1 = SymmetricGroup(1)
> sage: s = s1.cayley_graph()
> sage: s.vertices()
> []
> Shouldn't the set of vertices have one element in it for the
> identity?  s1 reports this element, but as shown the graph does not.
> I suppose this is trivial, but it seems like it should be fixed at
> some point.  I am, however, still fairly new to SAGE, and could easily
> be missing something.  Any thoughts on this?

Looks like the identity is not printed or the constructor for
cayley_graph() gets that case wrong.  For s2 the identity is there,

sage: s2g.vertices()
[(), (1,2)]

Somebody more familiar with the code ought to figure out what is going
on and open a ticket.


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