On May 7, 12:29 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi David,

> Replying to my own email again, I built 3.0.1 from for the 3rd time and,
> even, though the build goes fine apparently, at starting sage from the
> command line, I get the same import error, even for the "uncorrupted" 
> download.
> Any hints?

Does the md5sum match?

e4978d4f05528196aace3dde8b7d563b  sage-3.0.1.tar

Are you still using pbuild? It would likely be the problem. If you do
delete the directory


Then make sure PBUILD's env variables are not defined and then run
"sage -ba"

Another common problem is a poisoned SAGE-env, i.e. make sure "env |
grep SAGE" is clean. It is also not recommended to build over an
existing build.

Please also post a link to install.log.


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