On May 14, 3:15 pm, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Robert,

> Dear All, has anyone been able to succesfully install Sage 3.0.1 on a
> Windows XP using cygwin pc rather than using the VMware player? If so,
> could you please let me know how to go about doing this? Thank you.

Support for building Sage on Cygwin was dropped around the Sage 2.5.x
release, so right now there is no official support any more. We are in
process of porting Sage using  Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, i.e.
MSVC, but that will take probably at least until the end of the year.
I have build most of Sage with Cygwin, but there are a couple issues
that need to be fixed before it becomes usable again. Right now I am
concentrating on the 64 bit OSX port of Sage, but once that is done I
will get back to Cygwin/MSVC. As part of the MSVC port we will
resurrect the Cygwin port, so that will hopefully work again in a
couple weeks.

Would you want to help out with the Cygwin port I can certainly point
you to some bugs and tell you how to fix them. Right now it just isn't
priority for me ;)

> Robert


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