Thanks a lot for the code and the detailed explanations, John! I got
the code running, and it computes the y-s which I need.

About (1) and (2):

> (1) the expression for y output is a polynomial in the xi with
> coefficients pollys in z, while I expect you hoped that would be the
> other way round;

Yes. Indeed I need the polynomial coefficients to be expressions of xi-
s. Maybe I can try to fix this with some symbolic manipulations. As to

> (2) The expression x*y does not simplify to 1, but it does satisfy 
> (x*y)^2==x*y.

I wonder if this means that the expression I get for y is not in fact
the multiplicative inverse of x mod the polynomial?

Thank you very much for your time and help!

I On May 29, 5:44 pm, "John Cremona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is what I was talking about in my first reply.  It does not do
> exactly what you want, in two ways:
> (1) the expression for y output is a polynomial in the xi with
> coefficients pollys in z, while I expect you hoped that would be the
> other way round;
> (2) The expression x*y does not simplify to 1, but it does satisfy 
> (x*y)^2==x*y.
> If someone else can suggest how to deal with (2) this might make a
> nice worked examples for the documentation.
> John
> # Define the field with 2 elements and the polynomial ring over it
> # with variable Z
> F2=GF(2)
> R.<Z>=PolynomialRing(F2)
> # Define the polynomial f and check that it is irreducible:
> f=Z^8+Z^4+Z^3+Z+1
> assert f.is_irreducible()
> # Define the field GF(2^8) with generator z satisfying f as its
> # minimal polynomial:
> F256.<z>=GF(256,'z',f)
> # Define a polynomial ring in 8 variables over F2
> S=PolynomialRing(F256,8,'x')
> # Quotient out by the ideal containing xi^2-xi for all 8 generators.
> # The variables in the quotient are called x0,x1,...,x7
> I=S.ideal([xi^2-xi for xi in S.gens()])
> Sbar.<x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7>=S.quo(I)
> # Define the "generic" element x:
> x = x0+x1*z^1+x2*z^2+x3*z^3+x4*z^4+x5*z^5+x6*z^6+x7*z^7
> # If all is well this should be true:
> assert x^256 == x
> #
> y = x^254
> # ideally, we should have x*y = x^255 = 1, but unfortunately not:
> assert not x*y==1
> assert not x^255==1
> # However
> one = x*y
> assert one^2==one
> 2008/5/28 vpv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to solve the following equation for y in SAGE:
> > x*y = 1 (mod z^8+z^4+z^3+z+1)
> > where
> > x = x0+x1*z^1+x2*z^2+x3*z^3+x4*z^4+x5*z^5+x6*z^6+x7*z^7
> > y = ?
> > x0,...,x7 are elements of GF(2). I do not know their values. I am
> > searching for y in parametric form i.e. as a polynomial of z of degree
> > 7 with coefficients - some functions of x0,...,x7.
> > I define in SAGE:
> > P.<x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7> = BooleanPolynomialRing(8, order='lex')
> > Z.<z> = PolynomialRing(P)
> > I try to do the following in SAGE
> > y = inverse_mod(x0+x1*z^1+x2*z^2+x3*z^3+x4*z^4+x5*z^5+x6*z^6+x7*z^7,
> > z^8+z^4+z^3+z+1)
> > but it does not work.
> > Alternatively, I try to define a ring of univariate polynomials of z
> > with coeffients in P, every element of which is reduced (mod
> > z^8+z^4+z^3+z+1), but I am not able to get the right syntax to do this
> > in SAGE.
> > Any help is appreciated.
> > Thanks!

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