On Jul 20, 12:04 pm, Donu Arapura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi Donu,

> I apologize in advance for my somewhat rambling post. I don't have  
> any really urgent
> questions; just a few small ones, along with some comments. I'm an  
> algebraic
> geometer, so I use Macaulay 2 for certain things, but often I prefer  
> Maple
> which has a lot more flexibility. Although I  have free access  to  
> Maple through
> my University, I have never been entirely comfortable with  this...  
> but I suppose
> it's not necessary to preach to the choir.


>  I'd heard some rumours  
> about Sage,
> and  I recently downloaded it to my  Mac (G5, macosx 10.4). I have  
> been playing
> with it for a couple of days,  and I am pretty impressed.  However...
>   In Maple I find it convenient to use  "%" to refer to the output on  
> the  previous line.
> Is there a way to do this in Sage? If not, would this or a scheme  
> using line numbers,
> be a useful feature to add?

I assume you need the following?

| SAGE Version 3.0.5, Release Date: 2008-07-11                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: 2+2
sage: _

>   As a more serious exercise, I tried writing a script in Sage. Since
> I'm pretty new to Python, I have to admit that I was a bit taken  
> aback that
> indentation was part of the language, but it's not a big deal.  
> Anyway,  I
> found that I could manage by typing things into  emacs (actually  
> aquamacs)
> and pasting the formatted code into the notebook, since I like to  
> debug one
> function at a time. This seems a bit clumsy however. What to other  
> people do?
> Surely, it  must be possible to have emacs communicate directly with  
> sage?

Yes, check out http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-mode

For the record I have to state that Emacs is evil and that only vim
can bring true happiness, but there are a lot of happy Emacs users
with Sage.

> Incidentally, the script in question  computes Betti numbers for  
> moduli spaces
> of vector bundles using standard formulas. I'm happy to say that it  
> seems to
> be working correctly under Sage. I've checked it against values  
> generated by
> my original Maple script and published values for small rank and genus.

Excellent. Please let us know if you run into any trouble. We are more
than happy to fix bugs.

> Anyway, my thanks to all for putting  this package together.
> - Donu Arapura


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