
When computing Eisenstein series with a given character, Sage may
return some forms with a wrong character.  The following lines show an
example of this:

sage: G = DirichletGroup(7)
sage: E = EisensteinForms(G[4]).eisenstein_series()
sage: E[0].character() == G[4]

The problem appears to be caused by the condition

  if chi*psi == eps:

in the function __find_eisen_chars in modular/modform/eis_series.py.
According to Miyake, _Modular Forms_, Lemma 7.1.1 (cited in a comment
in this function), it should be

  if chi == eps*psi:

Another bug is that Sage uses an incorrect formula to compute q-
expansions of Eisenstein series.  Here the origin of the problem seems
to be formula (5.3.1) in Stein, _Modular Forms: A Computational
Approach_, where the psi(n) should be replaced by its complex
conjugate (cf. Miyake, _Modular Forms_, Theorem 4.7.1 and the first
three lines of page 271).  The method __compute_general_case of the
class EisensteinSeries in modular/modform/element.py reproduces this
formula in the form

  v.append(sum([psi(n)*chi(m/n)*n**(k-1) for n in rings.divisors(m)]))

Here psi should be ~psi.


Peter Bruin

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