On 09/09/2008, at 2:25 AM, Marshall Hampton wrote:

> I am trying to use the Python Imaging Library which I can only manage
> to install in my OS X framework verison of python.  So as a kludge I
> am trying to run that system python from within Sage's python.  But
> when I do:
> import os
> os.system('/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/
> python ' + DATA+'im.py')
> to run my script im.py, it seems that the sage python version is used,
> not the one in the explicit path I gave.  Why is this happening and
> how do I work around it?

When fooling around with system python vs sage python, I've made  
mileage by manipulating sys.path... when Sage starts up, it sets  
sys.path to a very different value to what system python uses.

Can you give steps to reproduce?  (How are you running system python  
from sage's python?)

And... ahem... this may not be the best place to mention it, but if  
you're up for some pain, you can configure sage such that python is  
compiled as an OS X framework.  You then hopefully wouldn't need the  
"system python from within Sage's python" kludge.


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