On Sep 10, 7:11 pm, Jason Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jason,

> I had been having trouble for a while figuring out how to load jpgs
> into a usable form on OS X.  The optional PIL spkg that gets installed
> through sage -i PIL-1.1.5.spkg would throw an IOError when I tried to
> load in a jpeg, complaining that the jpeg decoder wasn't available.
> I found a work around tonight, which was to install PIL through
> macports (py25-pil is the package name).  I already had libjpeg
> installed through macports (jpeg is the package name).  Then I just
> went into the directory where PIL got installed, /opt/local/lib/
> python2.5/site-packages/, and then copied the PIL folder and PIL.pth
> into sage's python: /Applications/sage/local/lib/python/site-packages/

Sage 3.1.2 will have the fixes so we no longer end up using Apple's
IOKit. This caused a bunch of issues with libpng.dylib similar to the
above. There is an spkg for libjpeg, but it is not merged yet. Once
that is merged the above problem will go away.

> With that stuff there, I can now do
> sage: import pylab
> sage: imjpg = pylab.imread(DATA+'aarts02.jpg')
> sage: pylab.imshow(imjpg)
> sage: pylab.savefig('imjpg')
> and I actually see an image.
> If I can provide information or anything else helpful for turning this
> hack into something that works the way sage is supposed to, please let
> me know.
> Regards,
> JM


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