Hi Jason,

This is most interesting, as the web page claimed it was a pre-
compiled binary! I did what you said, renamed the 'README' to
'install' and executed it, but I got quite a few error messages,
starting with 'tcsh: /bin/ls: No match.' I put them up at
ftp://ftp.bgc-jena.mpg.de/ftp/pub/outgoing/sschym/qepcad_errors1. If
you or anyone else has an idea what they might mean or how to apply a
fix, please let me know.


On Oct 27, 5:47 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The tbz archive has a README, which is a script that apparently compiles
> the package, though.
> So downloading the package at the link you gave, untarring it, and doing
> sh README seems like it should work.  You might have the change the
> first statement in the README.
> side note: Interestingly, the README is a shell script.  So apparently,
> in this case, the code has become the documentation!
> Thanks,
> Jason
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